ULTRA Core Strategy

ULTRA Core Strategy (Aggressive)

Our ULTRA Core Strategy simply piggybacks the attractive risk metrics of our CORE Portfolio Strategy. ULTRA makes trades at the exact same time as CORE, but with 2x the exposure. It's objective is to gain 2x more than CORE when CORE is working, but the strategy can also lose 2x more than CORE when declines happen. ULTRA is a more volatile strategy than CORE as a result, but it seeks to piggback the risk metrics of CORE with an added Alpha kicker.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Substantial losses can come from investing in the Stock Market. Consult with your Financial Advisors before making any decision to invest. Performance results shown here come from actual managed accounts that participate in these strategies, taken from their brokerage accounts directly, and these have not been verified by third parties. Equity Logic Makes no claims or validations pertaining to the rankings provided by third parties.

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